Nils van Velzen (Vortech)

Nils van Velzen (Vortech)

Nils van Velzen (Vortech)

Nils is an all round scientific programmer with a strong mathematical background. He enjoys working together with domain experts since he believes that a multidisciplinary approach will give the best results in every project. Nils is one of the main architects and developers of OpenDA, an open source software platform for data assimilation and optimization techniques.  Since 2012, Nils is a member of the management team of VORtech. Nils is working enthusiastically on the short and long term development of VORtech as a company.

Nils specializes in:

  • Development of an open source generic software framework for data assimilation and model calibration OpenDA. 

  • Parallelization of numerical algorithms and software in various application areas.

  • Development and implementation of numerical methods for simulation optimization of complex models.