Summer school Data Assimilation and its applications – big data challenge

July 16th – July 28th 2023

The primary objective of the project is to educate and to familiarize graduate students (MSc and PhD students) with the basic fundamental concepts, as well as in-depth topics, of the data assimilation paradigm and its applications.

The secondary objective is to setup the arena for discussions and debates around the big data challenge present in almost all the practical applications of these methodologies: hydrology, atmospheric sciences, oceanography and geosciences.

The mixture between the fundamental concepts/theoretical background presented in the first week of the event and their implementation in different fields of applications in the second week, is a unique opportunity to grasp the full understanding of the data assimilation world and its challenges.

The objective in data assimilation is generally to find the state of some system.

To find the state one can use a model, but the modelled estimate is subject to uncertainties from simplifications and weak assumptions. The model input uncertainties e.g. imperfect forcing data and uncertain model parameters are also an important source of uncertainties.

One could also just observe the state using either ground-based observations or remote-sensing. Remote-sensing offers many advantages.

Data assimilation is a way to combine models and observations in an optimal way to obtain an estimate of the state that is better than that from models or observations alone. The optimal estimate should be closer to the truth than either the observations or the model.

The huge dimension of the numerical models of the climate system, the vast amount of Earth observational data at our disposal, and the pressure to deliver timely accurate forecasts, have motivated an extraordinary research activity that has led to enormous advances which have subsequently spread out to other domains of science.

At the same time, geophysical DA is an exemplar of a Big Data problem: models have O(109) and the observational datasets O(108). Computationally efficient state estimation and uncertainty quantification must be carried out using massive datasets and huge dynamical models.

7 th Summer School on Data Assimilation and its applications Oceanography, Atmospheric Sciences, Risk & Safety and Reservoir Engineering

Our purpose is to get together experts in the field of data assimilation from different schools (statistics, decision analysis, system and control, pure mathematics, engineering, etc.) and to make use of their knowledge by:

  • educating graduate students, young and senior researchers;
  • transferring knowledge from the best lecturers to the students;
  • exposing the Romanian students, academics and researchers to the most recent theoretical/algorithmic approaches and their applications;
  • having extensive discussions and exchanging ideas;
  • working hands-on with academic and commercial dedicated software.

This summer school targets primarily students and researchers at an early stage of their career with/without previous experience in data assimilation.

Location and period

Location: The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Calea Mănăștur 3-5, Cluj Napoca, Romania

Period: July 16th – July 28th 2023

Speakers and topics

The two weeks will cover the theory and applications

Andreas Stordal and Patrick Raanes (NORCE, Norway)

– Ensemble methods, Theory and Phyton exercises

Geir Evensen (NORCE, Norway)

–  An integrated story for ensemble methods

Prof. Femke Vossepoel (TU Delft )

– Particle filters

Prof. Arnold Heemink (TU Delft )

– Variational methods

Tina Nane (TU Delft )

– Bayesian Belief Networks

Anca Hanea (CEBRA, Melbourne, Australia)

– Risk quantification, risk management, Expert Judgment and Safety issues

Laurent Bertino (NANSEN center, Norway)

– Oceanography and Environmental Applications

Gosia Kaleta (Shell, The Netherlands)

– Energy related topics

Matteo Ravasi (KAUST, Saudi Arabia)

– Inverse modelling and Machine Learning in Geophysics

Prof. Dr. Martin Verlaan (TU Delft and Deltares, The Netherlands) & Nils van Velzen (Vortech, The Netherlands)

– The Open DA paradigm – theory and the toolbox

Prof. Olga Lucia Montoya (Universidad EAFIT)

– Atmospheric Data Assimilation related topics

Jimmy Zurcher (Equinor)

– Geomodelling and parameterization as basis for decision making


The lectures and workshops are intended for (graduate) students, however academics, researchers and practitioners may find them entertaining and useful.


  • Hotel Cristal, Strada Moldovei 17, Cluj-Napoca
  • Hotel Pami, Calea Mănăștur nr. 37-41, Cluj-Napoca
  • Cămin Agronomia 2, Calea Moților nr. 74-76, Cluj-Napoca

The breakfast and the lunches will be in the University restaurant which is at the same address as the Camin Agronomia 2. For the ones that are accommodated in the hotels, the breakfast is included, so there are two options here, either you take the breakfast in the hotel or you join the group of the other participants which will have the breakfast at the university restaurant.  To have an optimal organization and not to plan more breakfasts that need it at the university restaurant, we would like to ask you to choose one or the other. It is not a hurry with this choice and we could discuss it in the first day of the summer school.

Important: please let us know of any dietary preferences or constraints that you might have amongst the whole group of participants.  

Registration fee

  • Students 600 €*
  • Researchers and Academia 900 €
    * Romanian students can apply for scholarships.

Information about the weekend

For the weekend we prepared some activities. We will leave on Saturday, 22nd July,  in the morning, around 9AM (this can be decided later) with a bus for the whole group.

We are driving to Turda, 50 min to 1 hour drive. Here there are few options for recreation activities:

  1. Hiking in Cheile Turzii ( . There are about 10 routes (  – only in Romanian) available of different lengths (time and distance) and levels of difficulty. Please choose with care.
  2. Visit Salina Turda (
  3. Or both activities.

Important to remember that around 15:00 – 15:30 we should gather back to the bus and we go towards the place where the dinner will be on the 22nd July. Around 00:00 the bus will take us back to our accommodations in Cluj.

On the 23rd July, we will leave again by bus in the morning (9-10AM) and visit the Winery of the University. ( We will have a tour of the winery and tasting, followed by a traditional cooked meal for lunch in the winery. After we finish we will come back by bus to Cluj and have a relaxed Sunday evening.


If you are interested in participating please contact Remus Hanea ( and please attach a CV, short description of your research topic, university of origin and a short motivation for your interest in this event.
For more general enquires please contact Anca Hanea (

Organizer committee

Remus Hanea, email: , phone: 004746836687

Anca Hanea, email:

Gabriel Valean, email:

Prof. dr. Florica Matei (Aldea) – USAMV Cluj-Napoca, email: