Olga Lucia Montoya (Universidad EAFIT)

Olga Lucia Montoya (Universidad EAFIT)

Olga Lucia Montoya (Universidad EAFIT)

Olga is a Control Engineer from Minas School of National University of Colombia-Medellin, obtained her PhD in Control Engineering Systems from Institute of Automatica at Universidad Nacional de San Juan en Argentina in 2008.

From 2008 to 2011 she was a consultant for oil and gas companies and developed several works on telecommunications market in Latinoamerica. Also was a Professor at USFQ in Quito.

Since 2011 she joined the Mathematical Sciences Department in Universidad EAFIT and currently is the Academic Director of the Mathematical Engineering PhD Program and Mathematical Modeling Research Group at Universidad EAFIT.

She is a Senior Researcher of COLCIENCIAS (Colombian National Science Foundation), a Visiting Professor at Technical University of Delft TUDelft (The Netherlands) and Cornell University, and an alumni of the International Visitor Leadership Program of the U.S. State Department

Her research interests are not only Control Systems but also Bayesian Filtering, Data Assimilation, Multidimensional Signal Analysis, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.